Pza. de San Agustín, 5 +34 963 512 480

St. Augustine Parish Church, or San Agustín, is the former convent of the St. Augustine hermit monks. This parish settled in Valencia in 1307. The structure of St. Augustine Church is of gothic style with a single nave, chapels between buttresses, and an open space for the choir.

During the Civil War, in 1936, the building was destroyed and was renamed from Santa Catalina Martry and St. Agustine to simply St. Augustine Church. It was restored in 1940 by architect Javier Goerlich Lleó who added the construction of a tower in front of the building facing Guillem de Castro Street. The Church also served as headquarters for French troops during the War of Independence in 1812.

The most important piece of St. Augustine Parish Church is the Byzantine icon called “Mare de Deu de Gracia” (Our Lady of Grace), giving reason for residents and tourists to view this spectacle.


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