C/ Corona, 36, 46003, Valencia +34 963 883 614 http://www.museuvalenciaetnologia.es/

The Ethnological Museum of Valencia was constructed in 1982 and opened just a year later. It has three permanent exhibitions: “La ciudad vivida” (the vivid city), “Valencia City Transit 1800-1940” (Valencian cities transit 1800-1940), and “Huerta y marjal y Secano y montaña” (garden, marsh, upland and mountains), all sharing the theme of urban areas of Valencia territory.

The Ethnological Museum is one of the main museums in Valencia and it aims to give a dynamic view of knowledge on cultural diversity.


Tue - Sun; 10:00 a.m - 08:00 p.m.


Free Entrance on weekends. *For more information go to the web