Pasaje Doctor Serra, 10 46004 Valencia +34 963 883 738

Bullfighting Museum, in Spanish “Museo Taurino”, is located near the Bullring in Valencia. It was founded in 1929 by Luis Moroder, who funded the museum, and by a bullfighter called Badila, who donated his private collection of bullfighting memorabilia. 

The Bullfighting Museum seeks to spread the art of bullfighting and attract its culture to all audiences. It has been renovated throughout the decades and its collections continue to grow throughout time.

If you are interested in bullfighting culture and contemplating what to do in Valencia, the Bullfighting Museum is one of the best locations to visit in Spain.


Tue - Sun; 10:00 a.m - 08:00 a.m


General: € 2,00 Reduce: € 1,00 (groups)