The Cabalgata del Ninot and the Cabalgata del Ninot Infantil are parades in which the Falla Committees show their ninots

Cabalgata del ninot 2013A lot of things happen during the Fallas in Valencia. Other than the mascletaes, the night of fire and the cremà, there is also the Cabalgata del Ninot. The Cabalgata del Ninot is a parade in which the different falla committees take their ninot to the ninot exhibition. It is a competition in which the best ninot gets chosen. The best chosen will eventually not go up in flames at the same time as the rest.

The Cabalgata del Ninot exists in Valencia since 1935, even though the Spanish Civil War was happening during those years, they still made the Fallas in Valencia happen.

After the Civil War, the Cabalgata del Ninot continued happening until 1954, when the city council of Valencia decided to move the parade a few days before the actual celebration. Nowadays, this Cabalgata del Ninot is still being celebrated.

Nowadays, the committees walk in the parade on the rhythm of the music, they disguise themselves/dress up and show their ninots – which are always linked to something critical or satirical – to the rest of Valencia. The children also play a role in this parade: in the calbagata del ninot infantil, the children’s parade.

The cabalgata del ninot goes through the following streets:

  • They start at the la Glorieta
  • Calle de la Paz
  • San Vicente
  • Plaza del Ayuntamiento 
  • Marqués de Sotelo
  • They end in Calla Xàtiva

At the end of the parada, at 00:00 at Plaza Ayuntamiento, a very colorful mascletà takes place.

Discover everything about the Fallas in Valencia  and make sure to check out the program of the Fallas in Valencia!